تاریخ انتشارسه شنبه ۱۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ - ۲۲:۰۰
شرکت های معتبر بین المللی مستقر در کشور قطر استخدام می کنند.
اخبار استخدامی | نفت آنلاین | استخدام قطر
اخبار استخدامی | نفت آنلاین | استخدام قطر
جهت مشاهده آخرین آگهی های معتبر استخدامی بین الملی نفت و گاز کلیک کنید

Featured Construction Supervisor (Electrical)

08/06/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar
supervisor | Construction | Electrical

Featured Lead Process Engineer

08/05/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar
engineer | Lead | Lead Process Engineer | Process Engineer | Engineering

Featured Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer

Engineering, | Engineering | English

Featured Process Engineering Lead

08/05/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar
Engineering Lead | Engineering, | Lead | Engineering | Process Engineering

Featured RP Jacket & Bridge Construction Coordinator

Doha, Qatar
Coordinator | Bridge | Construction | English

Featured Loss Prevention Lead

08/05/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar

Featured CPP Area Engineer

Doha, Qatar
engineer | Engineering | English


08/04/2024, NES Fircroft Ltd
Doha, Qatar
cathodic | supervisor | Construction | Electrical

Featured Construction Supervisor (Civil)

08/04/2024, NES Fircroft Ltd
Doha, Qatar
supervisor | Civil | Construction | English

Featured Radiation Protection Officer

08/02/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar
Officer | radiation protection | Radiation

Featured Snr Electrical Engineer

08/02/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar
engineer | Electrical Engineer | Engineering | Electrical

Featured Loss Prevention Lead

08/02/2024, Airswift
Doha, Qatar

Featured Head of Construction (Onshore)

Facilities | Industrial | Construction | Industrial Engineering | Infrastructure

Featured Piping Lead

utilities | Energy | English | Piping

Featured Training Administrator

utilities | Energy | English | Training

Featured Rotating equipment engineering specialist

Doha, Qatar
Engineering, | Equipment Engineering | specialist | equipment | Rotating Equipment

Featured Flowing Gas Analyst

Doha, Qatar
Analyst | Gas | Oil and Gas | English | Analytical Skills

Featured Condition Monitoring Engineer

Doha, Qatar
engineer | Engineering | Monitoring | Software | Communication

Featured Senior Analyst (Cyber Security)

Doha, Qatar
Cyber | Cyber Security | Security | Senior | Analyst

Featured Electrical Technician - Plant Maintenance

07/31/2024, NES Fircroft Ltd
Ras Laffan, Qatar
technician | Electrical | Electrical Technician | Maintenance | Maintenance

جهت مشاهده آخرین آگهی های معتبر استخدامی بین الملی نفت و گاز کلیک کنید

منبع آگهی استخدام : Energy job

نفت آنلاین فقط وظیفه اطلاع رسانی در خصوص آگهی های فوق جهت اطلاع متقاضیان کار را انجام داده است و مسئولیتی در خصوص سایر جوانب آگهی های استخدامی بین المللی ندارد.
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آدرس ايميل شما

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